The UW–Madison Keck Center for Chemical Genomics is located on the 5th floor of the Chemistry Department (Rm 5145, 5201, 5207A) and houses considerable modern chemical synthesis and biological instrumentation. Some equipment is located outside of the 5th floor, see locations and descriptions below.
Perkin-Elmer Envision plate reader
Location: Rm 5201
The instrument includes two detectors enabling simultaneous dual wavelength reading, below emission reading, barcode readers, a high-speed light source and adjustment of measurement height function. Interchangeable mirrors and filters allow for less noise in absorption and emission readings. The plate reader can perform fast kinetic measurements, enzyme assays and numerous other cell-based assays. Example uses include: absorption, fluorescence, luminescence, fluorescence polarization (FP), and FRET measurements. Product information can be found here, and the user manual can be found here. Contact Keck Center TA for training.
Baker SterilGard II biosafety cabinet (BSC)
Location: Rm 5207A
This biosafety cabinet enables users to work with BSL 1 or 2 materials safely by providing three types of protection: (1) personnel protection from harmful agents inside the cabinet, (2) product protection to avoid contamination of the work, experiment, or process, and (3) environmental protection from contaminants contained within the cabinet. The proper sterilization of the BSC, before and after use, is paramount to preventing contamination of all users samples. Currently groups use this BSC for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic biology, and all users must have a biological safety protocol on file with the Office of Biological Safety (OBS website). The user manual can be found here. Contact Keck Center TA for training.
ThermoFisher GenPure Pro UV/UF Ultrapure Water System
Location: Rm 5201
Ultrapure water is used for sensitive analytical procedures including atomic absorption, ICP and ICP/MS, IC, GC and high-wavelength HPLC, as well as many sensitive microbiology applications. This unit produces 18.2 megohm-cm Type I water (As a “rule of thumb”, Type I Ultrapure water contains dissolved solids at the level of “a few parts per billion”). Product information can be found here.
Fisher Scientific Fisherbrand Model 505 Sonic Dismembrator
Location: Rm 5145, coldroom (between Mathews – Shain Tower)
The sonicator, located in the fifth floor coldroom, is used to lyse and disrupt cell membranes, and homogenize samples. Includes 1/2″, 1/4″, and 1/8″ probes. Product information can be found here, and the user manual can be found here. Contact Keck Center TA for training.
Opentrons OT-2 Liquid-Handling Robot
Location: Rm 5201
A liquid-handling robot. Product information can be found here. Contact Jon Ellis (Buller lab, for more information.
Beckman Avanti J-15R bucket centrifuge
Location: Rm 5201
This centrifuge features a swinging bucket rotor that can accommodate 15 mL or 50 mL conical tubes and standard microplates. It is a refrigerated unit which can operate between -5 °C and 25 °C and has a max speed of 4,500 rpm. Product information can be found here. The centrifuge user manual can be found here, and the JS-4.750 rotor user manual can be found here. Contact Keck Center TA for training.
Beckman-Coulter Avanti J-25I centrifuge
Location: 5th floor hallway (between Mathews – Shain Tower)
The centrifuge can accommodate much larger samples at higher speeds than the Allegra 6KR. Canisters and rotors are equipped with biosafety lids, so this centrifuge is ideal for pelleting cells or cell-debris. Two rotors are available: (1) JLA-10.5000: 4 x 500 mL samples, max speed 10,000 rpm (18,600 x g) or (2) JA-25.50: 8 x 50 mL samples, max speed 25,000 rpm (75,600 x g). A Google Calendar allows users to schedule usage in advance. The user manual can be found here. Contact Keck Center TA for training.
Beckman L-70 Ultracentrifuge (Class R)
Location: 5th floor hallway (between Mathews – Shain Tower)
The ultracentrifuge can operate at much higher speeds and allows for the faster separation of samples. Some example applications include: sucrose gradient isolation of proteins, density gradient fractionation of lipoproteins, fractionating subcellular components (nucleosomes, microsomes, mitochondria, etc.), plasmid purification in CsCl, and RNA pelleting in CsCl. Two rotors are available: (1) Type 45 Ti: 6 x 94 mL samples, max speed 45,000 rpm (235,000 x g) or (2) Type 70 Ti: 8 x 39 mL samples, 70,000 rpm (504,000 x g). Contact Keck Center TA for training.
Nikon Eclipse TS100 fluorescence microscope
Location: Dark room 5143, hallway (between Mathews – Shain Tower)
This inverted microscope has bright field capabilities. This microscope is equipped with a 2S2MBW monochromatic high speed CCD camera and operated through NIS Elements F imaging software. Contact Keck Center TA for training.
Nikon Eclipse TS2 fluorescence microscope
Location: Rm 5201
This inverted microscope is ideal for routine culture and lab tests. In addition to phase contrast, this model supports various microscopy techniques, including epi-fluorescence with three channels (385, 470, and 560). This microscope is equipped with a pco.panda sCMOS camera and operated through NIS Elements BR Analysis software. Product information can be found here, and the Nikon e-learning site can be found here. Contact Keck Center TA for training.
Freezers, incubators, and other facilities
Location: 5th floor Daniels; subbasement; Rm 5201
Three autoclaves are located within the department for the sterilization of equipment, growth media, and biohazardous waste. One autoclave is located on the 5th floor, with two newer models located in the subbasement. One of the subbasement autoclaves is for use only by the Wang lab A small Bioclave autoclave can be found in room 5201 (user manual here). The autoclave in the subbasement is recommended for use in sterilizing biohazardous waste. Users must have taken the EHS biosafety course Biosafety 106: Autoclave Use and train in-person with either the Keck Center TA or a senior group member.
Water jacketed CO2 incubator
Location: Rm 5207A
These two static incubators are maintained at 37 °C, 5% CO2 injected for the growth of eukaryotic cell cultures.
Fisher Isotemp incubator
Location: Rm 5201
This static incubator is available for heating samples. The temperature can be adjusted for the researcher’s needs. Sign up using the sheet posted to the front of the incubator.
Cold room (Rm 5145)
Location: Rm 5145, hallway (between Mathews – Shain Tower)
This walk-in cooler is maintained at 4 °C, and has four benches to allow for the storage of biological materials, or to accommodate reduced-temperature reactions.
Large-scale -80 °C freezer
Location: 5th floor hallway (between Mathews – Shain Tower)
Freezer for the storage of biological samples; all samples should be kept within boxes in racks, and each box should be labeled with Group – User.
Kenmore freezers -20 °C
Location: Rm 5201, Rm 5207A
Four dorm-size -20 °C freezers are distributed within the Keck Center. All materials being stored in these freezers should be labeled with Group – Name – Date.